Healthy Relationships, Minds and Bodies!
It’s Term 1 and the Discovery Space is getting fit and healthy! Come and join us as we build healthy relationships, minds and bodies through movement, mindfulness and creARTivity. Help us grow the Discovery Space Gratitude Tree as we laugh, collaborate and care for each other!
Art@CreARTivity – Play with perspectives as we paint pictures of friends and family on giant perspex easels – and take the time to reflect on what makes us unique as we create the Discovery Space Self-Portrait Gallery!
Story Time – Join a story time circle led by our expert Discovery Space Educators – immerse yourself in the world fabulous picture books and join in activities that promote positive relationships, healthy living and compassion.
Discovery Activities – Keep fit by taking part in fun obstacle courses, parachute games, yoga and dancing, learning how we build healthy bodies, relationships and minds through engaging in active play.
Term 1 Program Highlights (Starting from Monday 6 February)
Join us for at 10am for our new weekly targeted educational programs
o Movement Mondays – a focus on keeping your body healthy, developing gross motor skills and joint participation between children and their adults!
o Tiny Tuesdays – Designed specifically for our youngest members, Tiny Tuesdays celebrate everything birth to three! Come along and join in a series of programs that support your child’s earliest learning!
o Thinking Thursdays – join us as we think about self-regulation, our emotions and asking questions of our world