Speaker Series – Transition to School
Transition from home and early childhood settings to school is an exciting time for children and their families. It is a time characterised by change and talk of children ‘being ready’ to take on the new learning experiences school has to offer.
What does being ‘ready’ for school mean? The reality is it means different things to different people. This presentation explores the concept of readiness and what makes for a positive start to school for children and their families.
This presentation takes an in-depth look at transition to school from the perspectives of school teachers, children and families, and shares ideas about what families can do to support their child’s successful start to school, academically, emotionally, socially and physically.
Watch the Speaker Series presented on June 16 2021.
Research = Experiences
Play is one of the most powerful ways to learn. That’s why all our experiences are informed by early childhood researchers from UOW.